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Tea farmers in Kericho complain over low bonus payments

Tea farmers in Kericho complains over low bonus payment

Tea farmers in Kericho complain over low bonus payments. Tea producers in Ainamoi, Kericho County that supply the Toror Tea factory with their green leaves have promised not to harvest their tea until the problems surrounding their bonuses are resolved.

The farmers claim that the Ksh. 25 bonus that the boards of directors of two tea manufacturers announced did not bother them.

According to Baigoi Bett, one of the factory farmers of Toror tea believes that their bonuses ought to be Ksh. 41.

Bett said that it is unjust for industries to announce bonuses based on average price. They claim that many farmers become discouraged as a result.

They promised to stop harvesting tea until they received a clear report regarding their bonuses.

Bett stated that they are organizing a meeting to discuss the next steps.

Despite not collecting tea for the past two weeks, he declared that the strike to go on until all of their complaints are in good terms.

Tea farmers in the counties of Kericho and Bomet complained about the bonus incentive system, saying certain factories seem to get better rates than others. And that there is a lack of transparency and justice in it.

One person was shot and killed during protests at the Mogogosiek tea business last week.

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