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Residents Demand Payment: Kitale-Endebess-Suam Road

Kitale - Endebess - Suam Road

The construction of Kitale-Endebess-Suam Road led to the displacement of nearly 300 residents.  The residents are claiming that the government has delayed their payment. The road stretches 42 kilometres from Kitale to the Suam area neighbouring Uganda. They now want President William Ruto to address the payment delay issue before the completion of the project.

Government Inaction

The residents are also accusing the government of false information and displaying a slow pace after verification of their claims. The  Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA) and the National Land Commsion (NLC) did the verifications process. This has brought dispear to many people as they state that no one is showing cocern over their claims. They add that the promise was to have paid them two years ago. Most of the residents moved to rental houses whereby they claim they need relocate to permanent homes at theyresided before road construction.

Personal Accounts of Affected Residents

James Ngunjiri, a resident at matisi, claims that he recieved his compensation notice on march 22nd 2023 and allocated Ksh 1.2m. Upto date, he has not recieved the money and he does not know whom to ask. Another victim by the name Evans Mukunza Stated that, ” Is is sad that we have not recieved any payment yet the project is about to come to an end. Some of the families have fallen into depression after giving their land just tp recieve nothing in return.”

The project was part of the bilateral agreement between Kenya and Uganda Countries. It was funded by the African Develoment Bank (ADB) at a cost of Ksh 5m. This was during the rigime of former President Uhuru Keyatta.

A communication officer at the regional office told the nation that this is one of the bills that the government is struglling to clear. He also say that they are checking on the total number of residents to recieve payment.  Also their pending amounts and promised a more detailed report on Monday. Read Also: Snoop Dogg: Olympic 2024 Torch Bearer.

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